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Learn & Enjoy WITH OUR culturAL PROGRAM

Cooking class

Food holds immense importance in Mexican culture for several key reasons. Firstly, it reflects the country’s rich cultural heritage and identity, incorporating indigenous ingredients and cooking methods alongside influences from Spanish colonization and other cultures. Meals are often communal events that foster social and family bonds, with food being a central element in celebrations and daily life. Traditional foods play a significant role in festivals and holidays, such as tamales for Christmas and pan de muerto for Día de los Muertos.

Dancing lessons

In Mexico, dance is not only an artistic expression but also a means to celebrate life, honor traditions, and strengthen community bonds. From vibrant folkloric dances that reflect the country's cultural diversity to infectious rhythms of popular music like cumbia, mariachi, or banda, dancing is present in festivities, parties, and celebrations throughout the year. Moreover, dancing allows Mexicans to connect with their cultural and ancestral identity, conveying stories and emotions through movements and rhythms that capture the essence of Mexican joy and passion.

Upcycling Workshops

Upcycling holds enormous importance in modern culture for several key reasons and we want to showcase this in México and Puerto Escondido too. This practice not only helps in conserving resources but also showcases the ingenuity and creativity inherent in transforming discarded items into valuable and functional products. Upcycling fosters a sense of community and collaboration, as individuals come together to share ideas, skills, and techniques. Workshops dedicated to upcycling provide a hands-on opportunity to learn the art of repurposing everyday objects, promoting a culture of sustainability and mindfulness.

Piñata Workshops

Creating and celebrating with piñatas holds immense importance in Mexican culture. Piñatas, often beautifully decorated and crafted from papier-mâché, symbolize the fusion of art and festivity in Mexican traditions. They play a central role in celebrations, particularly during birthdays, Christmas posadas, and other festive events, bringing joy and excitement to both children and adults. The act of breaking a piñata fosters social bonds and communal spirit, as friends and family gather together to take part in the fun. Of course there is a party to break the piñatas after hehe.

Learning by doing




In Mexico, making friends often comes naturally due to the cultural emphasis on warmth, hospitality, and strong social connections. Mexicans are generally friendly and open, eager to engage in conversation and share their culture with others. Social gatherings, such as family parties, festivals, and community events, provide ample opportunities for people to meet and connect. Additionally, the concept of "fiesta" is deeply ingrained, where celebrating together fosters bonds and camaraderie. Whether in urban areas or rural villages, the atmosphere is often inclusive and welcoming, making it easy for both locals and visitors to establish meaningful friendships quickly. This cultural openness and emphasis on interpersonal relationships contribute to the ease with which one can make friends in Mexico.


This emphasis on physical closeness highlights the importance of familial and social ties in Mexican culture, making hugging a fundamental aspect of daily life. Hugging holds significant importance in Mexican culture due to its role in expressing warmth, affection, and social bonds. In Mexico, physical affection is a common way to show care and respect among family members, friends, and even acquaintances. Hugging serves as a non-verbal communication tool that strengthens emotional connections and fosters a sense of belonging and community. It is often used during greetings and farewells, emphasizing the value placed on personal relationships and social interaction. Additionally, hugging can convey support and comfort, playing a crucial role in times of joy and sorrow alike.


Taking naps, or "la siesta," holds a special place in Mexican culture due to its historical and practical roots. Traditionally, siestas are a time-honored custom inherited from Spain and are especially prevalent in rural areas and hot climates where midday temperatures can be extreme. This practice allows individuals to rest during the hottest part of the day, conserving energy and promoting overall well-being. Additionally, the siesta reflects the cultural value placed on balancing work with rest and family time, fostering a lifestyle that prioritizes health and personal connections. While modern urbanization and work schedules have made the siesta less common in contemporary Mexican cities, it remains a cherished cultural tradition that underscores the importance of taking time to rest and rejuvenate

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